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The Union Difference

The Union Difference

ContractA legal document that guarantees wages, benefits and other conditions of employment.  Voted on by Union employees.No contract.  An employee handbook containing policies and benefits can be changed at any time by employer.  Nothing is guaranteed
WagesNegotiated by elected committee and union staff.  Union wages average significantly higher.Employer arbitrarily sets wages.  The law only requires payment of minimum wage.
SeniorityYears of Service are rewarded.  Used to determine wages, vacation/holiday and shift scheduling, overtime assignments, lay-off procedure and job bidding.Seniority can be ignored.
DisciplineFor just cause only, following fair process.YOU'RE FIRED!
GrievancesContract sets a structured procedure to handle disputes in the workplace that are in violation of the contract.Employer may provide "open door" policy to discuss disputes, but has final say.
ArbitrationContract provides for arbitration of grievances, when appropriate, at the Union's expense.Any legal action brought by an employee against employer must be paid for by worker.
Health/Welfare/PensionBenefits negotiated by Union, most often include employer-paid premium contributions.Not required under law.  Employer may change plan at any time.
VacationsPaid vacation negotiated according to seniority.Given, paid or unpaid at employer's whim.
HolidaysNegotiated by Union to include holidays as well as personal days off.  Typically, working a holiday means double time.Employer may or may not chose to observe certain holidays.  May or may not pay extra.
Sick LeavePaid sick leave or short term disability.Up to employer. Policy may be changed.
Leave of Absence/Parental LeaveNegotiated leaves which go beyond laws, with return to work guarantees.Employer must grant only those leaves required by law.
Shift PremiumHourly bonus paid to night shift employees.None required.  Employer may or may not pay.
DuesSmall portion of entire wages and benefits paid to Union for effective representation and voice.No dues - no rights! (The best things in life aren't free!).
ProtectionLanguage that protects Union members in case of sale, merger, takeover or closing of business.NONE.
Respect and DignityThrough the Union, workers can be treated like adults, involved in decisions which affect them and are then able to provide quality care.How you are treated on the job should not depend on the personality of management.



Oct 03, 2008

 Union workers earn higher wages and get more benefits than workers who don't have a voice on the job with a Union.


Union workers median weekly earnings

Nonunion workers median weekly earnings 

Union wage advantage                                                                                  




Union women's median weekly earnings

Nonunion women's median weekly earnings

Union wage advantage for women




African American union workers median weekly earnings

African American nonunion workers median weekly earnings

Union wage advantage for African Americans




 Latino union workers median weekly earnings

Latino nonunion workers median weekly earnings

Union wage advantage for Latinos




Asian American union workers median weekly earnings

Asian American nonunion workers median weekly earnings

Union wage advantage for Asian Americans




Union workers covered by employer provided Health Insurance

Nonunion workers covered by employer provided Health Insurance

Union Health Insurance advantage




Union workers without Health Insurance Coverage

Nonunion workers without Health Insurance Coverage

Nonunion workers are five times more likely to lack Heath Insurance Coverage




Union workers covered by guaranteed (defined-benefit) Pensions

Nonunion workers covered by guaranteed (defined-benefit) Pensions

Union Pension advantage




Union workers with short-term disability benefits

Nonunion workers with short-term disability benefits

Union short-term disability benefits advantage




Union workers average days of paid vacation

Nonunion workers average days of paid vacation

Union paid vacation advantage

15 days

11.75 days


   Where would you stand if your place of Employment was Nonunion?

Employers report to Stockholders that only care about Profits


Oct 05, 2008




The Meaning of

“At Will Employees”

    Will I be fairly compensated for my skills?

    Will I be honored for my Seniority?

    Will I be Disciplined or Terminated for unjust causes?

    Will I be able to voice my opinion about disputes at the workplace?

    Will I have Health Care or a Pension?

    Will I have Paid Vacation Time?

    Will I have Paid Holidays?

    Will I have Paid Sick Days?

    Will I be protected in case of sale, merger, takeover or closing of business?

    Being "At Will" means your at the Mercy of the Employer, keep his Profit Margin high enough and he "Will" let you work


Most of the top CEO’s of Business have Contracts that outline their compensation packages, most have Golden Parachute clauses that pay them when a Business is sold or closed. All have Attorneys that look out for their best interests.

Then why is it so bad when the average employee wants the same thing?  

Page Last Updated: Oct 03, 2008 (16:24:00)
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